Become a financial partner of L3 Resources by giving just $25.00/month in 2025 and keep the good going! #25ormorein2025  image

Become a financial partner of L3 Resources by giving just $25.00/month in 2025 and keep the good going! #25ormorein2025

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among students ages 10-14 and the 3rd leading cause in the ages of 15-24. Every 2 hours and 11 minutes, a youth under 25 completes suicide in our country.


You Matter. Your Life Matters. Your Story Matters. Your Tomorrow Matters.

L3 Resources recognizes that we each can drive an enormous amount of positive change by rooting our everyday actions, decisions, and behavior in radical generosity- the concept that the suffering of others should be as intolerable to us as our own suffering. Radical generosity invites people in to give what they can to create systemic change in our communities and in the world.

Close your eyes for a moment and picture what it would look like if an entire high school knew not just that their lives mattered, but why their lives matter... and what if they had the tools to start living in that confidence every single day for the rest of their lives?

Can you see it? This is our vision for the future.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among students ages 10-14 and the 3rd leading cause of death among students ages 15-24 in the United States. (National Institute of Mental Health, 2023)

Every day there are approximately 12 youth suicides. Every 2 hours and 11 minutes, a youth under 25 completes suicide in our country.

Please join our financial campaign for 2025 by becoming a monthly sponsor at just $25/mo. Your contribution will ensure our mission of saving student's lives and ending the lie that human lives don't matter.

Live Life Loud Resources is a 501(c)3 Christian Non-Profit Organization. We operate The You Matter Tour™ Student Assemblies (Christ-centered & public school programs) and The Cure™ Teen Coaching & Life-Skills Workshop in Iron Mountain, MI.